Eldoa Class
ELDOA are precise exercises that create space in a particular joint.
Created by French Osteopath, Guy Voyer, the ELDOA utilize myofascial tension to normalize a specific joint (i.e. L5/S1). The benefits of the ELDOA are numerous, but include: improved joint mechanics, increased blood flow, reduced pressure on the discs, spinal disc re-hydration, better muscle tone, improve posture, better sense of well-being and awareness.
The main difference between ELDOA and Yoga are their respective goals. The goal of Yoga is to stretch muscles in a particular pose or set of poses however they are more general or global. The goal of ELDOA is to open a particular joint through specific myofascial tension. Yoga is more meditative in nature where as ELDOA is analytical (specific). Even starting in the warm-up, the cuing engages the brain in such a way we heighten our bodies awareness to move more segmentally in order to accomplish our goal. Both offer benefits of a better sense of well-being, better blood flow, and an all-around great way to exercise, but the specifics of how, why, and when we do them are very different. Many people who love doing Yoga find the ELDOA has enhanced their practice. Once you experience the exercises it becomes a no brainer to add it into your exercise program.
Yoga packages and memberships may be applied to Eldoa classes.
Q: What is ELDOA & who created it?
ANSWER: ELDOA is a French acronym that stands for: Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Osteo-Articulaire. It's a specialized form of exercise that focuses on decompression of specific joints, particularly along the spine. It aims to create space between the vertebrae and improve posture, relieve pain, and enhance overall body function. It was developed by French osteopath, Dr. Guy Voyer. He combined his knowledge of biomechanics and osteopathy to create exercises that target specific spinal segments for decompression and alignment.
Q: How does it work?
ANSWER: ELDOA exercises use precise postural positions combined with stretching to target a specific joint or spinal segment. By holding these positions, the fascia and muscles are stretched, which creates space between the vertebrae, reducing pressure on discs and nerves.
Q: What are the benefits of ELDOA?
Decompression of the spine
Improved posture & alignment
Relief from back, neck, & joint pain
Increased flexibility & mobility
Enhanced athletic performance
Better balance & core strength
Improved sleep & digestion
Q: Does it replace my current exercise program & how often should I do it?
ANSWER: No. Many people find that incorporating ELDOA into their fitness routine helps them perform even better in the things they enjoy doing in life. It's a great way to look at the way that have been exercising through a new, more educated lens and make adjustments. For best results, try to practice consistently, twice a week.
Q: Does Grace have certified ELDOA practitioners?
ANSWER: Yes, we do! Shannon and Julian are both Level 4 Certified ELDOA Trainers.
Q: Will it help the dreaded "Tech Neck" (neck-pain from an overuse of technology)?
ANSWER: You bet! The cervical spine really takes a beating with all of the texting and sitting at desk staring at computers. The cervical ELDOA postures will strengthen the neck and help provide better function and stability. Many clients see a reduction in neck pain after a few sessions.
Classes are taught by Shannon on Tuesdays at 4:30pm and Julian on Thursdays at 5:30. They are super-fun and we love Grace's ELDOA community. It's truly one of our favorite modalities at Grace!

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